Monday, October 24, 2011

Knocking out the Assets Protector

I recently came across another commercial intellectual property protection tool for the Flash platform. I realize it has been a while since I reviewed one of these tools, so it's time to see how much the field has evolved, if at all.

The AssetProtector is designed to protect your external assets, like images, music, and XML files, by encryption. Your Flash application will need to use a special loader, an extension of the Loader Class, to load and decrypt the protected assets at runtime. This tool may be useful for game developers, who wish to prevent others from stealing their graphics or modifying the game files.

The AssetProtector contains three separate entities - 1) the Protector Machine, an offline encryption tool that works on your external assets; 2) the Asset Loader, a dummy SWC library that allows you to interact with the special loader via actionscript; and 3) the Protector Agent, an SWF file that you will need to deploy along with your main SWF and encrypted assets. It is obvious that the Protector Agent is the heart of this intellectual property protection scheme as it contains that actual implementation of the special loader class. The main task, therefore, is to understand how the Protector Agent works.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mochicrypt Secret Sauce Revisit

I was reviewing this blog the other day when I discover that the most popular post of all time is the article on Mochicrypt. I find this quite surprising. First of all, most Mochicrypt-protected games are available for free, so are people really so annoyed by the ads that they must find a way to decrypt the games? Second, the Mochicrypt encryption mechanism is really rather simple, it's a puzzle why the internet isn't already flooded with Mochicrypt decryption tools.

In any case, I have decided to release a simple script to help with the process. Simply compile the following script as an Adobe AIR project and you got yourself a Mochicrypt decryption tool. Now head on to, download your favorite game, and extract the main SWF file from the zip package. Run the decryption tool and you are done!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Deactivate Zarqon Active License Control

Today, we tackle yet another commercial licensing system for Flash applications by reviewing the Zarqon Active License Control System from Futurescale.

While the name Zarqon may be unfamiliar to most developers, anyone who has spent some time in the field of RIA development should recognize the name Futurescale. This is the company that gave us the wildly popular and incredibly powerful PureMVC framework. PureMVC is a highly mature product and is used by developers from all over the world. The original codebase has been ported to many languages, including AS2, AS3, Java, Javascript, HaXe, C#, Coldfusion, and PHP.

The Zarqon Active License System is different from the other systems that we have reviewed by the fact that the server components (nothing more than a collection of encrypted license files) are hosted on your own Amazon S3 account. There is no server logic involved in the licensing system. The advantage is that you have complete control over your data servers and that you only have to pay Futurescale a one-time fee to purchase the licensing system.

It should be pointed out that the Zarqon licensing system is not dependent on the PureMVC framework. Yet given the fact that it is developed by the same folks at Futurescale, can we expect the same performance and reliability from Zarqon as we do from PureMVC?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Taking Adobe InMarket Out

Adobe InMarket is a brand new Adobe AIR application distribution and monetization service from Adobe. Developers can publish and manage their applications in multiple app stores through the InMarket Portal for free (for now). Adobe takes care of credit card processing, hosting, and marketing, in exchange for 30% of the sales revenue.

By far coolest aspect of Adobe InMarket is its shockingly simple licensing API. The integration process is as simple as downloading the licensing.swc and adding five lines of code into your application.

Here is an example from the InMarket documentation: