Monday, May 24, 2010

The Rise of HTML5 and the Doom of Flash

There has been much discussion on HTML5 and Flash lately, and I just want to put in my two cents on this matter.

First, let's make it clear that I am pro-Flash. It is not intended to be an unbiased evaluation of the pros and cons of HTML5 and Flash. I do try to compare the two technologies in an objective and logical manner, as best as I could.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Updates on Defeating Nitro-LM

Several weeks ago, I posted an article on how to defeat Nitro-LM, a commercial licensing and encryption tool for Flex/Air application developers. I came across this product during my search for a satisfactory intellectual property protection solution for my other projects. Of course, one way to test if this Nitro-LM framework is really as secure as it claims to be is to try breaking it myself.

While the Nitro-LM product website boasts a whole array of advanced security features, the architecture of the product is ultimately flawed. It only took me one evening to break the protection and to obtain the encryption key. There were a few challenging moments, and it was a fun academic exercise. I posted the procedures and my experience on this blog in hope to spark discussion on intellectual property protection solutions and encryption technology.